"I survived the Ice Age, do you really think I wouldn't survive you?"."Little Georgey went to town and crushed it on a pony.".Nonono! That-that's the hyperlightcore! No! That-that’s the solar-matrix! No that. Would you sacrifice your flesh for immortality in iron?."You thought you could be the last one standing?! But it was me! Steven!"."Yaaarr, this sea belongs to the crown! Pay your respects!"."Where are you running, feathered friend?!".A Paladin acknowledged by the Eternal Pyre!.The Fallen Bundle features the all-new Fallen Assassin, Corrupted Crimson Mount, and Lil Devil Chicken! Striking fear into the hearts of your enemies has never looked so good!.Spot a player using this in your match? That person may be attending #HiRezExpo!.The Fuzzy Bundle contains the Hilda the Huntress Hunter Skin, Smokey Mount and the Royale Red Chicken Skin. New critters have emerged from the enchanted woods of the Realm! These magical creatures can now be unlocked with the Fuzzy Bundle straight from the in-game Shop.Should your opponents seek to take your liberty, soar the skies as the Freeagle Chicken. Ratify the constitution of Realm domination with the George Crushington Warrior atop the best mount that American Steel can make: the Merican Mustang.This Bundle contains the Technomancer Mage Skin, Neon Booster Mount, Beat Boks Chicken Skin, Bossted Animated Spray, and Bass Drop skydive. The party never stops with the Realm Royale Bass Drop Bundle.This Bundle contains the Night Stalker Hunter Skin, Sanguine Warbeast Mount, and Count Bokula Chicken Skin. Bring fear to the creatures of the night with the Realm Royale Night Stalker Bundle.Cherge into battle in style on the SHIN3YTR0N, and use your Crowns to purchase additional cosmetics for Realm Royale!

The Realm Royale Gold Plated Prowler Bundle features the new SHIN3YTR0N mount and 1000 Crowns.This bundle contains 850 Crowns which can be used an additional Realm Royale cosmetics, as well as the new Lord of Darkness Warrior Skin, Knightmare Mount, and Shadowbeak Chicken Skin. Embrace the shadows with the Realm Royale Shadowfall Bundle.Satisfy your sweet tooth and go over the rainbow with this cosmetic set! The Rainbow Pack contains the Starburst Sorceress Mage Skin, the Sparkling Stallion Mount, and more!.Plus, you’ll unlock 800 Crowns that can be used to unlock premium content or Battle Passes in the Shop! Accompanying the Cat Nap skin, you’ll also unlock the Neck Slice emote to let your opponents know you may be cute, but you’re a deadly adversary in the Realm. Lull your enemies into a false sense of security with the deceptively cute Cat Nap chicken! With the new Chicken Combat system, becoming a chicken is anything but a snooze.Kickstart your adventure with this majestic pack of items!.